The Magic Show 2010

Hello again. My name is Liam. I've been ushering at this theatre for such a long time now. It seems like forever. They just can't seem to get rid of me. No matter how hard they try. And believe me, they have tried. And tried. And tried. And tried. But still here I am.

I've seen so many people come and go from this place. Who could forget Mr. Cain and his fabulous theatre of the macabre? Or Ole Doc Cutter and his fascinating experiments that climbed out of the tunnels underneath the town? Or the night little Miss Annabelle Cotton brought all her delightful friends for a visit. But those are stories for another time. And trust me there will be other times. But all this nostalgia reminds me of the time the theatre was owned by Abraham and Clarice Culpepper. You don't recognize his name, do you? You may remember him better as the Amazing Mordecai.

They had a storybook romance. He, the Amazing Mordecai. Her, the magician's assistant. They traveled all over the world with his grand illusions.  And when he retired, they turned the theatre into a little toy store of their own. Every Friday and Saturday night he performed magic for the kiddies and their families in the back. They were happy. And then she died. It wasn't his fault, exactly. Accidents happen. They had done the trick a hundred times, but this time, something went wrong, and she died. It was a very sad day.

He closed the toy shop, stopped doing magic on the stage, and swore he'd find a way to bring her back. The theatre sat empty for such a long time. People had thought they had seen the last of the poor Amazing Mordecai, but they were wrong, because he came back. Opening up the theatre once again, offering a once in a life time opportunity.

For you see, on the anniversary of his wife's death, he plans to honor her with a special show. A magic show. Who could ever resist that?